Comments and Suggestions
Creating and maintaining a resource like Acceso is a large undertaking and we welcome any suggestions that you might have for improvements. While we do allow for some variations in Spanish due to the wide range of dialects being presented, we would appreciate you sharing any typos or broken links that you might come upon. We can usually fix those in a matter of minutes so that your students never see them.
We will also do our best to keep the materials updated. Keep in mind, however, that the pace of events in the world may require you to supplement some Acceso modules to reflect the events of the day. Most of the major updates to the curriculum will take place during the summer months.
Suggestions for new content are also welcomed, but be forewarned that we might ask you to author that new content! Our goal is to create a broad enough array of modules that each teacher can build a customized curriculum.
Any comments and suggestions for Acceso can be sent to